Huntley 47's Baseball - December 2023

Mid-Month Update

December is Busy! Who Knew?

I hope everyone is having a great month! The 47’s have a lot going on and we want to make sure everyone stays informed and in the know!

We have a few items for your review during this mid-month update.

  1. Number Requests and Training Shirt Size

  2. Raffle Update

  3. Live Virtual Q&A Session

Jersey Number Requests and Training Shirt Size

Please fill out this form for your player(s)
If multiple players, please fill out the form once per player

Raffle Update

We are on the final week of our Yeti Cooler Raffle! Sales have stalled a bit and it doesn’t appear we will hit our goal of $5,000, however we still have time to get the word out and finish strong!

Please print out this one-page sheet with a QR code and pass around for extra visibility.

Finally, the drawing will be live-streamed on Google Meet!
Saturday, December 16 (5:00pm - 5:30pm)

Live Virtual Q&A Session

Please join us virtually on Google Meet!
Sunday, December 17 (4:00pm - 5:00pm)